segunda-feira, 21 de abril de 2014


In most of my attempts at creating blogs (perhaps too many for a fifteen year-old), the first post has always been a tricky thing. Should I introduce myself? Should I introduce my blog? Or should I... you know... go straight to the point? One way or another, I would end up overthinking it (as I am doing, right now) and making a huge fuss about something incredibly little.

Anyway, in order to show you, in a simple way, who I am and how I intend my blog to work, I'll start by telling a couple things about moi that will definitely influence the blog.
  • I am obsessed with typography and cool fonts. (In fact, I may or may not have taken what can be considered as way too long trying to figure out my header's font.)
  • I love photography and and all the visual arts, something not too surprising for you, I would guess.
  • I will get overwhelmed about little things (in a good way): When I like something, I can get annoyingly excited about it. But, as Simon Pegg once said, 'Being a geek means never having to play it cool about how much you like something". So yes, I would consider myself a geek. Proudly.
  • I'm quite a quote enthusiast, as you might have noticed.
  • I also like writing about things unrelated to design, so you might actually find recipes, diy tutorials, comments on beauty and fashion trends and all those sorts of stuff around here.
That's it, I guess. Do you have any of those quirks? 

I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I know I will!